HSH Chemie is No. 1 Chemical Distributor in Central and Eastern Europe with more than 30 years of experience and 14 office locations in Central and Eastern Europe.
Our Headquarter in Hamburg, Germany, is responsible for the strategic management and planning for our employees worldwide – our "HSH family" includes more than 300 employees. As a 100% family-owned company, it is very important to us to live values such as cohesion, loyalty, trust and reliability.
We are always on the lookout for new talent as we continue to evolve.
The collective agreement for commercial employees applies to this position. However, we clearly express our willingness to pay a significantly higher salary based on your qualifications and experiences.
You'll need your cover letter, CV, certifications, and other documents before you begin.
Use our job list and options filter. If nothing suitable is listed, you can still submit an initial application.
Use the application form below to send us your documents for this position.
Our HR team will contact each applicant after reviewing the documents.
If we've convinced you that you want to be a part of the HSH Chemie family,
then apply for this position right here: